
Sunday, December 2, 2007


We are FINALLY back online in the NEW house. Miracles do happen. After spending 2 weeks feeling isolated from the rest of the world I can finally sit at my own computer and POST!

Here are some pictures to catch you up on the snow and other fun things.

Here's a picture of the new house from across the street. You can see Maverick's head at the bottom of the picture.
Bailey is mesmerized by the bikes at all the stores now. Not that he would ever exert the effort necessary to pedal a bike, but he likes looking at them. We took this in Kmart while we waited for Jake's car to be detailed the day after we bought it. Every time we pass the bikes he says "my bike."
Maverick liked helping pack the cabinets at our old house. This was his favorite cabinet because it has all the neat plastic stuff in it. Now he likes our drawers with the pots and pans.
Bailey was giving me a fit about taking a nap on Friday so this is where he ended up falling asleep. I did move him to his bed so he wouldn't roll down the steps.


Rick & Cindy Shideler said...

The house looks beautiful. I've always liked the southwestern style. Very nice. Where are the snow pictures? We are expecting our first REAL snow this week. Probably wont amount to much but it's always neat to see it for the first time each year.

Jen Whisonant said...

Okay, first, hoooraaaaayyyy, new house for my friend.

Second, did we notice that the helmet and bike are both pink...Emma Grace said you need to tell Baywee that's for girls. =)

Happy for you...enjoy dragging out all the Christmas decs now as I know only you can enjoy. =)

Becca said...

Yay for new housing! By the way, I found your blogging while Googling "Ft. Bliss new housing". My DH just received orders for us to go to the SGM academy next year and I'm dying of curiousity over the housing situation. Here at Ft. Benning they've just opened new housing for some and it's fabulous!

I don't dare show my kids the snow pics or they'll expect it to snow when we are there next year! The mountains look beautiful, though.

Becca at Forward Motion

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