
Wednesday, December 12, 2007


For the most part our kids have been good sleepers and for that I'm extremely grateful. However, since we moved to the new house, Maverick has slept like a log and Bailey is having trouble staying in bed. Like today, Maverick slept until 9:45! I'm not sure he was really sleeping, but he wasn't screaming to get out of his crib. Bailey did that when he was about a year old or so. I could stand at his door and just hear him talking and playing in the mornings and he didn't make a peep to act like he was tired of being confined to his crib. I just wish Bailey would catch on again. Since we moved, he's not wanted to go to bed and then wakes up in the middle of the night screaming. Many nights he's come downstairs and crawled in bed beside me. I have to make sure and shut his door all the way to keep that from being a habit! Part of the problem is how inconsistent we've been about putting him to bed at the same time every night. Either we've been gone or we've let him stay up late to watch a Christmas movie or something. We just can't seem to get him back in a good bedtime routine with him. It's also hard to make sure he takes a nap in the afternoon. I make him go to his room at around 1pm, but I can hear him playing and kicking for quite a while after 1. Eventually he'll fall asleep, but I usually find him laying in the floor and not on his bed!

I've almost unpacked everything and will be staging for new house pictures soon so keep tuning in! I still need to hang curtains in all the bedrooms and figure out what I'm going to do above the sink in the kitchen. I also have some mystery boxes somewhere with random items that I didn't use in the other house, but want to use here. Eventually I'll have to go back and open all the boxes that haven't been opened since we moved to El Paso!

1 comment:

Jen Whisonant said...

Hooray for good sleepers! Boo, when they don't. Ollie is in a bad sleep-habit now and it's brutal. At least Emma Grace knows to stay in her bed until the sun comes up. =)

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