
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Not Quite Settled Yet

I think I psych myself up to think that every time we move it's going to be easier. No amount of psyching makes any move easier for me - not even moving back 'home' or at least to somewhat familiar territory close to family and old friends. There still is the process of reestablishing routines, getting kids signed up for school and finding childcare options for the little kids, figuring out where to buy groceries and finding the paper that has the best coupons.

I say all that to say this hasn't been an easy move for me. Not at all! I think I've mentioned before, but if you've ever read anything about 'spirited' children, I fit a lot of the descriptors as an adult. I don't do change well. I don't respond well to processes that don't make sense. I get easily frustrated when my mind has been made up that something is going to work a particular way and then it doesn't. My responses aren't good, either.

Pile on the change the fact that F5 has to be at school at 7:30am and you've got a tired, cranky out of sorts, not adjusting to change well wife and mother and an F4 and F1 who are out of sorts and sleep deprived, too. It's not pretty. It's not pleasant. I have had many moments over the past few weeks that I wish I could take back and have a do over, but that's not how life works.

Nonetheless, I'm pressing on. I'm trying to embrace our new home and our new life in our new city at our new post with grace, but that's not always the case.

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