
Thursday, March 1, 2007


I cannot believe that today was March 1st! Where have the past 2 months gone? In some ways I thought March would never come, but in other ways, it couldn't get here soon enough! As you know, in exactly 1 month we'll be loading up the family and moving out west. We'll be singing along with the Backyardigans with their "Riding the range, riding the range - all the way to Texas with the......" (If you know what they say after that, you get the prize because I have no idea what they're saying - and if you don't know who the Backyardigans are, be thankful!) I should have an urgency within me to pack and clean, but I just can't get myself motivated to do much. In 2 weeks I'll be kicking myself for the time I've spent doing nothing when I should've been purging and trashing! I think I've been saying that for 2 months now, haven't I? I've been saying it all my life and it never seems to happen. If I could just go through a couple of boxes or cabinets a day and just start getting rid of things, I could make great progress. That's the biggest IF in the world!

We're under a sever weather/tornado watch until 4:30 in the morning. As I was coming home from Panera, I started thinking about how ill-prepared I would be if there were a tornado or some other catastrophic storm to hit us and knock out our power. I wouldn't starve, but powdered formula without water won't do Maverick any good. As a single person, I never even thought about preparing for a storm. As a parent, I should take these threats more seriously, but I still don't. I think it's because I've never been affected by any sort of major storm. My friends here remember Hugo and the devastation that had on them so they take threats a lot more seriously than I do. I do have a wind up flashlight/radio combo and I know where it is so I could see and listen to the radio and get a good forearm workout all at the same time!


J.E. said...

I LOVE THE BACKYARDIGANS!!!! M nieces wathc them all the time....I regret to say I dont know the next line though....I hope they make your ride so much better!!!

Jen Whisonant said...

I refuse to acknowledge the aforementioned post...I have too many hormones to respond rationally and responsibly at this moment. I'll just say that Jen, you are one in a million, gal, and that's all I have to say about that!

Unknown said...

Bailey has me hooked on the Backyardigans, so here's a website for you Backyardigan lovers. Song lyrics and pictures to color.

"Let's go ridin' the range, yahoo
All the way to Texas, where the ho-down folks expect us"

Unknown said...

when I posted it, part of the website got chopped off, so here it is again.

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