
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

VBS Day 3

Today Bailey made a hat at VBS. When I picked him up I asked him if he wanted to wear it and of course he said "NO." So mommy wore it to the parking lot until we saw that Bailey's best bud Christopher had his on. I slipped it onto Bailey's head without a fight and Bailey went and gave Christopher a good bye hug. It was sweet. I wish I had a picture of that! I was too busy searching for my keys to be snapping pictures! I think he's having a good time at what will be his 3rd VBS. Every day his teachers send home a little slip of paper that says what their favorite thing about the day was. So far they've written "soccerball," "running around with Christopher," and "playhouse." Not sure what playhouse is, but Bailey must've enjoyed it! Maverick, on the other hand, has the two nursery workers all to himself so you can only imagine how rotten he's getting! One of the workers, Mrs. Ruth, LOVES Maverick and tells me every time I come to get him that "he's the best baby." Mrs. Ruth is a sweet lady, but poor Tammy Faye's got nothing on her when it comes to applying make up!!

1 comment:

Jen Whisonant said...

Thanks for the pic at my phone! I was shopping in the ST without power! It was an experience to say the least...Emma kept asking, "when day turn de yights back on, mommy?" Ollie just slept through the whole thing. so glad that VBS is great!

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